Add Venmo/Cash App/PayPal

Learn how to link your Venmo/Cash App/PayPal profiles for collecting payment
Written by Mony
Updated 10 months ago

You can enter the links to your Venmo, PayPal, or CashApp profiles in Maidily so that your customers can book online and choose one of the 3 payment types as options.

  • In Settings -> General -> Booking & Pricing you will see where to enter your profile links
  • Enter the URL link to your Venmo, PayPal, or CashApp profile in order for your customers to pay directly

  • When filled out the payment types will show up on the booking page for customers to select

Links to active payment types (Cash App, Venmo, PayPal) will also appear in:

  • Booking confirmation emails

  • Receipt emails

  • Invoicing


  • You will also have the option to select from either active option under the Payment details section when creating/editing a job
  • The link pasted for each relevant profile should lead directly to your profile

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