Attaching a job checklist to confirmation & reminder emails

You can attach a job checklist PDF file to booking confirmation & customer reminder emails
Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

You can turn on/off the ability to attach the job checklist as a PDF for 2 types of emails your customers receive:

  • Booking confirmation email
  • Reminder email
If turned on, your customers will receive the checklist as a PDF attachment to the email(s)

How to include the checklist as an attachment:

  • In Settings -> Booking forms & Communications scroll to 'Email communications'

  • Chose which template you would like to edit

  • Toggle the field 'Attach checklist as PDF' to 'Yes' to activate

  • Click 'Save'

Checklist PDF example:


  • The checklist PDF will represent the job checklist for that specific job

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