Customers changing their address and/or payments on file from the portal

Learn how easily customers can update their payment or their address/contact details from the portal
Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

Customers can change their contact and payment details from the portal and choose whether those changes will apply to:

  • Next Booking
  • Apply to all
  • Update to your profile only

Here's how it looks from the customer's perspective:

  • When a customer updates their contact information and/or payment information for their services, they will be prompted by this pop up

  • 'Applying to all' will apply the changes to all current and future bookings
  • 'Update your profile only' will only save the changes within your portal profile but will NOT apply them to any services


  • Changing the payment on file and clicking 'Apply to all' will replace the current payment card attached to all future and current services with the new card entered
  • Deleting a card and clicking the 'Apply to all' will delete the card from the customers profile in Maidily and will be available to be selected for other jobs

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