How to create a quote

Learn how to create quotes
Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

Create and send quotes to your potential customers. Accepted quotes by your customers will turn into scheduled jobs.

A quote without an expiration date will NOT expire

You can create quotes in 3 ways:

  • By clicking 'Add Quote' in Quotes
  • By clicking 'Save as Quote' when creating a job in Jobs
  • By clicking 'Save as Quote' when creating a job in Scheduling
Creating quotes will NOT block out availability from your schedule

How to create a quote by clicking 'Add Quote' in Quotes:

  • Click on Quotes

  • Click 'Add Quote'

  • Fill out the details of the quote
    • Selecting a payment method in the 'Payment' section is REQUIRED
  • You have the option to fill out the expiration date or leave it blank

  • Click 'Save Quote' 

How to create a quote by clicking 'Save as Quote' in Jobs:

You can fill out the details of a job but save it as a quote.

You will NOT be able to set the expiration date for a quote when saving a job as a quote
  • Click on 'Add Job' in Jobs

  • Fill out the details for the job
  • Click on 'Save as Quote' at the bottom

How to create a quote by clicking 'Save as Quote' in Scheduling:

You can fill out the details of a job but save it as a quote.

You will NOT be able to set the expiration date for a quote when saving a job as a quote
  • Click 'New Booking'

  • Fill out the details for the job
  • Click on 'Save as Quote' at the bottom

A quote will NOT be accepted by the customer or by an admin/manager if payment preauthorization is turned 'On' and the preauthorization fails


  • Creating a quote does NOT send a notification to your customer
  • You can make changes to the quote after saving it before you send it to the customer
  • If payment preauthorization is turned 'On' a 7-day hold on payment will be placed on any quote that gets accepted by a customer if they pay via card

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