💳 Job charges & payment processing

Missing charges for invoiced jobs

Are you missing an online payment for an invoiced job that you marked as paid?

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Credit/debit card field missing?

Not seeing the credit/debit card field appear when adding a customer?

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Importing customer's credit/debit card information

Learn how to import your customer's credit/debit card information from your Stripe account into Maidily

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago
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🔐 Log in/out

Login issues

Are you having issues logging in with your username/password? Is the login page not loading?

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Logging out of Maidily

See how to log out of Maidily

Written by Savannah
Updated 1 year ago

Forgot password/username

Need help logging in? Forgot your username/password?

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

💡 Account subscription

Activating an expired trial account

You can activate your Maidily account after your trial has expired

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Failure to pay Maidily subscription

Multiple failed payment attempts will lead to account cancelation

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Reactivating your canceled account

You can reactivate your canceled Maidily account by logging in

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago
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Additional articles

Hourly increment error

Your hourly increments in Pricing have to be greater than 0

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Spanish translation for all profiles

Translate your Maidily app in Spanish

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

How to schedule jobs for the future or in the past

Learn how to schedule jobs for the future or for the past when you create or edit a job

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Encountering glitches and/or errors

Did you encounter a glitch or an error? Is there something not working properly inside of Maidily?

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

Saving records and error pages

Learn what to do about potential issues and errors you may encounter

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

How future jobs show up in your Maidily calendar

Learn how Maidily displays future jobs

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Booking calculator not leading to checkout page

'Book Now' button or booking calculator not leading to checkout page

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Email reminders are not sending

Most common reasons your customers may not be receiving email reminders

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

When do the system generated text messages get sent to the customers

How does Maidily handle the system generated text messages (reminders and receipts)

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

Invite to customer portal button missing

Missing invite to portal button on customer profile

Written by Mony
Updated 1 year ago

Will my customers receive a confirmation email?

Your customers will receive a booking confirmation email each time a job has been created in their name

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

Conflict in schedule

Schedule conflict messages appear when you make changes to a job and the changes impact future jobs

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago

Is the technician or team not appearing as available for a job?

Are you trying to assign a technician/team but it's not appearing as available?

Written by Mony
Updated 2 years ago